Most days, for a Tech Travel Agent representing and facilitating
Computer Rentals, there is no such thing as a 'typical day'. In most cases customers are not sure exactly what they need to make sure their event, trade show, or convention goes off without a hitch, but that's why the call their Tech Travel Agent. However, there are rare cases when an experienced and knowledgeable customer can convey their needs in a clear manner to make an Agent's job a little easier. A recent order handled by
Tech Travel Agent Tony Cipollone is a great example of the types of orders Agents handle every day. Below you can find a copy of one that order.
Hi. We're planning an event at the Rio in Vegas on 10, 11, and 12 September 2008. We are looking to shop around renting the equipment we need. We had some bad experiences with [name withheld], and they've soured us on ever working with [name withheld] if we don't have to. I hear we don't have to, so we'd like to work with anybody who isn't [name withheld].
We already own 6 brand new Shure PGX wireless mic sets and 6 25' XLR cables. Here is what we need for each day.
10 Sept & 11 Sept
· 4-channel mixer
· 8-channel mixer
· 2 patches into house sound
· 2 wireless headset mic sets
· 1 wireless handheld mic set
· Appropriate audio cables
· Projectors... one 2200 and one 3000 should be OK.
· Screens... one 8' and one more like 10' should be OK.
· Appropriate video cables
12 Sept
· 8-channel mixer
· 1 patch into house sound
· Appropriate audio cables
· Projector... one 3000 should be OK.
· Screen... one more like 10' should be OK.
· Appropriate video cables
Please let me know pricing, suggestions, tax, services charges, pickup or delivery charges, etc... Don't leave anything out. J Delivery would be the afternoon of 9 Sept 08 and you can pick up as early as say 3pm on 12 Sept 08 as we're done by 1pm.
If you also rent sound guys/gals, we're going to need them as follows:
10 & 11 Sept
· Two engineers, both 7am - 6pm
12 Sept
· One audio engineer, 7am - 1pm
[Customer Name Withheld]
The above customer is a returning customer to Tech Travel Agents from handle these sorts of requests for equipment such as audio visual technology, computer rentals, laptop rentals, staging and event rentals, and on-site technicians such as those requested above. Contact us during United States business hours at 1-800-736-8772.